The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Summary - Book Notes, A Book overview on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
Good evening. Yesterday, I learned about The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Summary - Book Notes, A Book overview on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Which could be very helpful in my experience therefore you. Book Notes, A Book overview on the Book Eat That Frog by Brian TracyHave you ever heard the phrase "eat that frog?" I never did until I read the book Eat That Frog, 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, by Brian Tracy.
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According to Brian, eating your frog is about tackling your most important, daunting tasks, and getting them done. The plan is similar to how you eat an bite at a time. Brian's main point is that you eat your most ugliest frog first, the next ugliest, and so on, until all your frogs are done. When you "eat your frog," you feel empowered, happier, energized, and are more productive, i.e., you get more done.
The principles Brian shares in his book are principles he has picked up from 30 years of studying time administration and has incorporated into his own life. Brain says that time administration is life management, so these principles apply to any aspect of your life, especially your company when you're just getting started and working on it part time. The idea is to take control over what you do and select the foremost tasks over the unimportant. This is a key determinate of success.
Here is a summary of each principle Brian covers in his book.
Principle 1: Set the Table
This principle is about determining what you want to accomplish. It's about getting clarity about your goals and objectives. One of the biggest reasons habitancy procrastinate is vagueness and confusion about what they want to do. Brian introduces his first Rule of Success: Think on paper. Do you know that habitancy who have clear written goals achieve 5 to 10 times more than habitancy who don't?
Brian has a seven step formula for setting and achieving goals:
1. Rule exactly what you want to do (one of the worst time wasters is doing something well that doesn't need to be at all).
2. Write your goal down. Writing your goal down crystallizes and put power behind it because it becomes real.
3. Set a deadline on you goal. This gives you a sense of accident with a starting and end.
4. Make a list of everything you think you need to do to achieve the goal. A optical photo give you a path to supervene and increases the likelihood of success.
5. Build the list into a plan by priority and sequence. You can draw a map of your plan like a flow chart to help you visualize the steps.
6. Take activity immediately. "Execution is everything."
7. Rule to do something daily that takes you closer to your goal. Program your activities and never miss a day.
Having clear written goals affects your reasoning and motivates and drives you into action. Written goals stimulate creativity, release energy, help you overcome procrastination, and give you enthusiasm. Think about your goals and recapitulate them daily and take action.
Principle 2: Plan Each Day in Advance
This is basically development a to-do list. Just like eating an elephant, you eat a frog one bite at a time. Break you task down into steps. "Thinking and planning unlock your reasoning powers, trigger you creativity, and growth your reasoning and physical energies."
The good you plan, the easier to overcome procrastination, to get started, and to keep going. Brian claims that every itsybitsy you spend planning will save as much as ten minutes in execution. So if you spend 10 to 12 minutes planning, you'll save at least 2 hours (100-120 minutes) in wasted time and endeavor - very impressive.
Brian's introduces the Six P formula for this principle: proper prior planning prevents poor performance. His tips are: All you need is paper and pen. Always work from a list - if something new comes up, add it to the list. Keep a devotee list of everything. Make a list for distinct purposes. Keep a monthly list, which you make at the end of each month for the following month. Keep a weekly list, which you make at the end of the week for the following week. Keep a daily list, which you make as the end of the day for the following day.
The lists feed off each other. Check off items as you faultless them. Checking the items off gives you a optical article of accomplishment and motivates you to keep going.
Follow the 10/90 Rule of personal effectiveness, which says if you spend the first 10% of your time planning and organizing your work before you begin, you'll save 90% of time getting the work done when you start.
Principle 3: Apply the 80/20 Rule
This principle says that 20% of your activities will list for 80% of your results, even when all your activities take the same amount of time to do. The activities that give you the most return on your investment are your frogs. Where you focus your time is the unlikeness in the middle of being busy and accomplishing something. You want to eliminate or spend less time on your low-value tasks. Your most primary tasks are the hardest and most complex, but give you the most bang for you time, so ask yourself if the task is a 20% task. Brian's rule here is "Resist the temptation to clear up small thing first."
Once you begin working on your hardest task, you come to be motivated to faultless it. "A part of you mind loves to be busy working on primary tasks that can nothing else but make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually."
Thinking of starting and finishing an foremost task motivates and helps you overcome procrastination. An foremost fact to remember is that "The amount of time required to faultless an foremost job is the same time it takes to do an unimportant job."
Principle 4: reconsider the Consequences
"The mark of a superior thinker is his or her potential to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing anything." reasoning through the consequences gives you an idea if an activity is foremost and is a way to Rule the point of a task. Any foremost task will have long-term potential consequences.
Dr Edward Banfield, from Harvard University, closed that "the long-time perspective is the most literal, singular predictor of upward collective and economic mobility in America" (a rare trait in our instant gratification world). Your attitude towards time has an impact on your behavior and choices. reasoning about the long-term impact will help you make good decisions, thus, one of Brian's rules: "Long-term reasoning improves short-term decision making."
Having a hereafter orientation (5, 10, 20 years out) will allow you to analyze choices and will make your behaviors consistent with the hereafter you want. Ask yourself, "What are the potential consequences of doing or not doing this task?"
Brian's follow-on rule is "Future intent influences and often determines gift actions." The clearer you are on your hereafter intentions, the good clarity on what to do at the gift moment. Having a clear comprehension of your hereafter intention helps you rate a task, delay gratification, and make the primary sacrifices in the future. Be willing to do what others aren't so you can have what others want later...greater rewards are in the long-term.
Dennis Waitley, a motivational speaker says, "Failures do what is tension-relieving while winners do what is goal achieving." Make foremost tasks a top priority and start them now. Time is passing anyway, so Rule how you will spend it and where you want to end up. reasoning about the consequences of your choices, decisions, and behaviors is the best way to Rule your priorities.
Principle 5: practice the Abcde formula Continually
The Abcde formula is a priority setting technique to help you be more sufficient and effective. The facility behind the technique is that the more you spend in planning and setting priorities, the more foremost things you will do and do faster once you start.
You start by listing everything you have to do for the day and categorize everything into A, B, C, D, or E.
An "A" is something that is very foremost that you must do or there will be serious consequences (this is your frog.) A "B" is something you should do that has mild consequences (Brian calls these your tadpoles). A "C" is something that would be nice to do but there are no consequences. A "D" is something that you can delegate to someone, which frees up time for you to work your A. An "E" is something you can eliminate because it makes not unlikeness at all.
Discipline yourself to work your A and stay on it until it is complete. If you have more than one task in each category, label the most foremost A1, the next A2, etc., and do the same for the other categories. Never do a B before an A, or a C before a B.
Principle 6: Focus on Key supervene Areas
This principle is about focusing on what you are working towards. Every job can be broken down into "key supervene areas," which are results you must achieve and for which you are responsible. For example, the key supervene areas for administration are planning, organizing, staffing, delegating, supervising, measuring, and reporting.
Identify your key supervene areas and list your responsibilities for each. Then grade yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each supervene area. Where are you strong? Where are you weak? Are you getting results or under performing? Brian's rule for this area is "Your weakest key supervene area sets the height at which you can use all your other skills and abilities." Essentially, your weakest area limits your full, performance.
This leads to someone else reason habitancy procrastinate-they avoid things where they have performed poorly in the past. Procrastination doesn't ordinarily happen in an area you're good in. Ask yourself, "What one skill, if I developed and did in an perfect fashion, would have the most determined impact in my career" (or life, or business)? Ask those nearby you. Then set a goal to improve in that weak area.
Principle 7: Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency
"There is never sufficient time to do everything, but there is Always sufficient time to do the most foremost thing." Brian's rule that applies here is "There will never be sufficient time to do everything you have to do." (That's a hard pill to swallow and something we probably subconsciously know but don't accept.) A fact Brian states in his book is that the mean man is working at 110-130% of capacity, which means you will never get caught up. So that means you need to stay on top of your most foremost responsibilities.
People generate more stress for themselves when they procrastinate and put themselves under the pressure of a deadline. When you're up against a deadline, you tend to make more mistakes. The questions to ask yourself on a regular basis are:
1. What are my top value activities?
2. What can I, and only I, do that, if done well, will make a real difference?
3. What is the most primary use of my time right now?
The answers to these questions will identify your biggest frog at the moment. "Do first things first and second things not at all."
Principle 8: prepare completely Before You Begin
This principle means preparing and having everything you need ready before you begin your task. Have everything you need easily ready in front of you. Remove everything that's not going to help you. generate a workspace you'll enjoy working in.
Principle 9: Do Your Homework
"Learn what you need to learn so that you can do your work in an perfect fashion."
Other reasons for procrastination are feelings of inadequacy, lack of confidence, and lack of competence in a key area of a task. To overcome these issues, work on your development. Pro improvement is one of the best time savers there is. Brian's rule here is "Continuous studying is the minimum requirement for success in any field." Keep on enhancing your skills.
Principle 10: Leverage Your extra Talents
Identify your unique skills and commit yourself to becoming good in these areas, then apply your knowledge and skills (no one can ever take those away). Ask yourself, "What am I nothing else but good at?" "What do I enjoy the most about my work?" "What has been most responsible for my success in the past?" "If I could do any job at all, what job would it be?" Focus on your best energies and abilities.
Principle 11: identify Your Key Constraints
Limiting factors influence how quickly and how well you get your task done. They are the primary path or choke point to achieving your goal. identify your limiting factors by asking yourself what is keeping you back, then focus on alleviating those factors as much as possible. Getting rid of those limiting factors ordinarily brings more expand in a shorter time than anyone else.
The 80/20 Rule applies here too-80% of the constraints are internal, only 20% are external. Those constraints can be as straightforward as a plan or belief. Accept responsibility and get rid of your constraint.
Principle 12: Take it One Oil Barrel at a Time
A saying about tackling anyone is "by the yard, it's hard, but inch by inch, it's a cinch." Taking an "one oil barrel at a time" is the same concept. Brian talks about a trip in Algeria through the Sahara Desert. Because of the vastness of the desert and the lack of landmarks, the French had placed empty oil barrels on the road as markers. The barrels were placed 5 kilometers apart, so you could Always see the next barrel. So the meaning of this principle is to go as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther. Step out on faith, have confidence, and the next step will come to be clear.
Principle 13: Put Pressure on Yourself
The intent behind this principle is to take fee of you life before you end up waiting for a rescue that will never come. Be a leader, man who can work without supervision, which according to Brian is only about 2% of people. Set standards for yourself higher than you would for others and go the extra mile.
This is all about self-esteem, which is your prestige of yourself, as defined by psychologist Nathaniel Brandon. everything you do affects your self esteem. Push yourself and you'll feel good about you.
Principle 14: Maximize Your Personal Powers
Physical, mental, and emotional energies make up your personal execution and productivity. So guard and take care of your power level. Rest when you need to. When you're rested, you get much more done.
A general rule is that productivity tends to decline after about 8-9 hours. identify the times you are at your best and use that time to work on your frogs. Take time out to rest, rejuvenate, eat well, and exercise.
Principle 15: Motivate Yourself Into Action
This principle is about controlling your thoughts and being your own cheerleader. Coach and encourage yourself. How you talk to yourself determines your emotional response.
How you interpret things that happen to you determines how you feel. How you feel can motivate or de-motivate you. come to be an optimist and don't let setbacks and negativity influence your mood.
"In study after study, psychologists have carefully that 'optimism' is the most foremost potential you can Build for personal and Pro success and happiness."
Brian identifies 3 behaviors of an optimist.
1. Look for the good in every situation.
2. Seek the primary episode in every setback or difficulty.
3. Look for the clarification to every problem.
When you visualize your goals and talk to yourself positively, you feel focused, energized, confident, creative, and have a greater sense of control and personal power.
Principle 16: practice Creative Procrastination
This is a personal execution principle about putting off doing smaller, less ugly frogs. Ultimately, you can't do everything (remember Principle 7, Obey the Law for Force Efficiency?), so procrastinate on low value activities (bonus: you get to select which ones).
This is a matter of setting priorities, something you do more of and sooner, and setting "posteriorities," something you do less of and later. The rule that applies here is "You can set your time and your life under control only to the degree to which you finish lower value activities."
Say "no" to low value use of your time and life and say "no" early and often, because you don't have spare time. Thoughtfully and deliberately Rule what things you are not going to do right now. Avoid the unconscious tendency to procrastinate on the big, hard, valuable, foremost tasks.
You are responsible for evaluating your activities and identifying those that are time-consuming with not real value. Get rid of them or delegate them (um, sounds like Principle 5, practice the Abcde Method). practice "zero-based thinking." Ask yourself, "If I was not doing this already, knowing what I now know, would I get into it again today?" If you get a yes answer, it's an "E."
Principle 17: Do the Most Difficult Task First
This is the hardest, most difficult principle because you're "eating your frog." Brian outlines 7 steps to gain this skill (these steps are a nice summary of the some of the principles we have already covered):
1. At the end of the day/weekend, make a list of everything you have to do the next day. 2. recapitulate the list using the Abcde formula combined with the 80/20 rule. 3. elect you A1 task, the one with the most severe consequences. 4. Accumulate everything you need to start and finish the task; get it ready to start the next morning. 5. Clear your workspace so you're only ready to start your A1 task. 6. Discipline yourself to get up, get ready, and start the task without interruptions before you do anyone else. 7. Do this for 21 days (creates the habit).
When you get into the habit of doing the most difficult task first, you'll duplicate your productivity in less than a month, and you'll break the habit of procrastination.
Learn to say "Just for today," as you're developing your new habit. "Just for today, I will plan, prepare, and start on my most difficult task before I do anyone else."
Principle 18: Slice and Dice the Task
This principle is the "salami slice" arrival to getting work done. Do one slice of the task at a time. Psychologically, it's easier to do a smaller piece that to start on the whole job-like eating an elephant. We tend to want to do someone else slice when we get done with one. habitancy have a deep subconscious need to bring finality to a task, the "urge to completion." We feel happier and more great when we start and finish a task because endorphins are released-the bigger the task, the bigger the sense of accomplishment.
This arrival is also known as the "Swiss cheese" method; you punch a hole in the task by spending a specific amount of time on the task.
Principle 19: generate Large Chunks of Time
This principle is about scheduling time to work on large tasks. To make primary expand on your tasks, you need blocks of high-value, high productivity time. The key is to plan your day in expand and Program fixed blocks of time, especially for things you don't enjoy doing. Make an appointment with yourself (sounds a lot like Principle 2, Plan Each Day in Advance).
Eliminate distractions and work nonstop. "Deliberately and creatively Build the concentrated time periods you need to get your key jobs done well and on schedule."
Principle 20: Build a Sense of Urgency
The basis of this principle is to be action-oriented. A sense of accident is an "inner drive and desire to get on with the job quickly and get it done fast." Take the time to think, plan, and set priorities, then work them. generate a reasoning state of "flow," which is the "highest human state of execution and productivity."
In the "flow" state, you feel elated, clear, calm, efficient, happy, and accurate. everything you do seems effortless. You function at a higher plane of clarity, creativity, and competence. You are more sensitive and aware.
Developing a "sense of urgency" triggers the flow state. Race against yourself; Build a "bias for action." Build a fast tempo which goes hand and hand with success.
When you come to be action-oriented, you trigger the "Momentum Principle of Success." You end up using less power to keep exciting than the power it takes to get started. The faster you move, the more power you have, and the more you get done. Repeat to yourself, "Do it now!" When you find yourself distracted, tell yourself, "Back to work!"
Principle 21: singular Hand Every Task
This principle is about concentrating single-mindedly on your frog until it's done, which is the key to high level execution and personal productivity. Hard, concentrated work precedes every great achievement. You can reduce the time to finish a task by 50% or more when you consolidate single-mindedly, according to Brian.
Starting and stopping can growth the time to finish a task by an estimated 500% because you have to get reacquainted with the task and overcome inertia to get started again. When you stop, you break the cycle and move backwards. Build momentum by getting into a "productive work rhythm." "The more you discipline yourself to working non-stop on a singular task, the more you move send along the 'efficiency curve.'" You get more high potential work done in less time.
Success requires self-discipline, self-mastery, and self control. Elbert Hubbard defines self-discipline as "the potential to make yourself do what you should do when you should do it, either you feel like it or not." Starting, persisting, and finishing a task is a true test of character, will, and resolve. Persistence is self-discipline in action. You end up liking and respecting yourself better. You shape and mold your character and come to be a superior person.
There you have it, 21 principles for overcoming procrastination so you can "eat your frog." As a supervene of integrating these principles into your work habits, you will be happy, satisfied, feel a sense of personal power and effectiveness, and will come to be a great success. Fortunately, all this principles can be learned through repetition. As a recap, here they are:
1. Set the table.
2. Plan every day in advance.
3. Apply the 80/20 rule to everything.
4. reconsider the consequences.
5. practice the Abcde formula continually.
6. Focus on key supervene areas.
7. Obey the Law of Forced Efficiency.
8. prepare completely before you begin.
9. Do you homework.
10. Leverage your key extra talents.
11. identify your key restraints.
12. Take it one oil barrel at a time.
13. Put the pressure on yourself.
14. Maximize your personal powers.
15. Motivate yourself into action.
16. practice creative procrastination.
17. Do the most difficult task first.
18. Slice and dice the task.
19. generate large chunks of time.
20. Build a sense of urgency.
21. Single-handle every task.
I recommend you read the book. Don't let the amount 21 scare you. The book is an easy read and Brian gets straight to the point-no extra fluff. You'll gain a good comprehension of the principles, and the good you understand them, the good you'll be able to apply them to your company and life. The advantage is you get to successfully "Eat that frog!"
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