The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Pdf Free Download - Dr. Wayne Dyer - 22 Lessons I Learned
Good morning. Today, I discovered The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Pdf Free Download - Dr. Wayne Dyer - 22 Lessons I Learned. Which is very helpful if you ask me therefore you. Dr. Wayne Dyer - 22 Lessons I LearnedDr. Wayne Dyer is a popular motivational speaker and author. His modern books consist of The Power of Intention, Ten Secrets For Success & Inner Peace, Getting in the Gap and daily Wisdom. I've been learning Dyer's principles for the past 22 years and here are the top 22 lessons I've learned from him:
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You get anything you think about most. anything you think about expands... And therefore, we must be right to not think about what we do not want. You can never get enough of what you don't want. Why? Because we're reasoning about what we don't want and we keep getting more of it. From an fullness and prosperity perspective, it can be costly (meaning you can lose great opportunities) to search for the conditions you do not want to furnish for your life...for fear of getting more of what you don't want. Think from the end. I'm a big believer in starting with the end outcome and working backwards to reach it. Dyer takes a more reasoning coming to it as he encourages you to search for yourself surrounded by the people, events, and things that characterize your version of a "perfect life." An attitude of gratitude will take you a long way. Rumi said, "Trade your knowledge for bewilderment." It is good to be in awe of all that you have attracted into your life and the more you are grateful for that - the more that will flow freely into your life. Paraphrasing Dyer: There are no branches of any trees that think it is wise to fight with each other. In other words, there is no value in fighting with others as we are all from the same metaphorical human tree of life. There is an old zen saying that goes something like this: anything you are for, strengthens you and anything you are against, weakens you. It is only natural to have fullness and prosperity in your life. It is unnatural to resist the gifts you have been given in life to share with others. Therefore act confidently with a "knowing" that you already have all of the resources you need to succeed. You must be independent of the idea of others. No one can make you into what you are not. You are responsible to no one for your actions and thoughts except yourself. In addition, you are not in control of your reputation. All you can control is yourself and how you act on a day to day basis. You alone select your emotional state each day. No one can make you feel any distinct than you select to feel on any day. Therefore take full accountability for the emotional states that you select to embrace each day. You are not your body nor are you the possessions that you believe you have. You are timeless; perfect; ...just the way you have forever been and will forever be. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. Live your truth. Meditation can help you solve problems and accomplish inner peace. While reasoning visualization of your intentions or goals are a good thing to do, think of "meditation" as quieting your mind to accomplish a place of "no where" -- It's one of the best ways to town yourself. Your Ego is often at odds with universal laws and principles. Best to recognize when you are acting from ego vs. Acting from your true authentic self. Your ego wants you to feel extra and distinct than others but the reality is that we share more in base than we have differences. Focus on radical humility and respect for yourself and others in order to keep your ego at bay. You can only increase to an additional one that which you are in truth. You can only give others what you have inside of yourself. Therefore to give love away to others, you must cultivate love for yourself First. Dyer uses the metaphor of squeezing an orange - asking you what comes out when you squeeze it. Most people answer, "orange juice" comes out. Why? Because that is what is inside. When humans are squeezed, what comes out of them is what they harbor inside of themselves. Harbor love, acceptance, joy, confidence, peace and harmony towards yourself so that you can radiate it towards others. Your association with others does not unmistakably exist. You only have your perception of your association with others to act on. Therefore you must focus on manufacture sure you perceive your association with others on the terms that you hope for the hereafter of the association to exist. In other words, you must see harmony within yourself and then with the other person. You must all the time have within you what you wish to see or give another. Our intentions originate our reality. We each originate our own personal realities by what we focus on and intend to happen for our experiences. Therefore we have an immense accountability to select our intentions carefully. Be attached to nothing but rather associated with what you want for your life. Attachment can cloud your capability to attract what you want. When you let go and surrender to your excellent self, you will attract what you desire. There is never any scarcity of opportunity, but rather there is only scarcity of settle to seize the opportunities that knock on our door every day. Scarcity does not exist unless we select to embrace it...therefore, it is good to never embrace scarcity only embrace the possibility for abundance. When the instructor is ready, the students will appear. When the learner is ready, the teachers will appear. We can not learn the lessons we are here to learn if we are not open and receptive to learn. Do not resist the possibility to change, but rather expand and come to be more open. No one was ever hurt by practicing random acts of kindness. The law of reciprocity all the time rewards kindness and even more-so when you are kind without any expectation of needing a return. There is no discrepancy in the words "giving" and "receiving." The best way to maximize book sales is to release associated products that can be purchased. For example, a book could be followed up with an audio tape, audio Cd, Dvd, flip calendar, playing card decks and more. Each of these creates supplementary wage streams that help to maximize the Roi from each published works. (My marketing brain wanted to insert this episode in here ;-) Judgment: One of our purposes in life is to find a way to free ourselves of our need to judge others in a negative light. This is the work of our ego and judging others prevents us from finding the good in them. There is no value in judging others poorly. As we see others, we also see ourselves. Dyer says, "It's Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile." That means that we must all the time give more than we expect to receive. In doing so, we join the small ration of achievers that consistently go above and beyond the call of duty to serve others. The rewards are often disproportionate for those who go the extra mile vs. Those who only do the minimum they need to get by. We give without expectations. Trust in yourself and in doing so, you trust in the very wisdom that created you. It is impossible to come to be a no-limit someone if you focus on limitations...therefore only focus on what you want to attract for your life. You already are complete, whole and perfect. Trust in the perfection of your life.
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