Open Letter to President Obama

The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Quotes - Open Letter to President Obama

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January 26, 2009

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The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Quotes

Dear Mr. President:

Congratulations on your new position and for your willingness to step into office in this time of great transition and opportunity. I'm sure you're well aware of the magnitude of the job you've accepted, and I'm also certain you would not have chosen this path were it not for your true desire to conduce and leave a continuing legacy.

Never in my lifetime has a new president taking office created such a large sense of hope, excitement and hope in the American people. As you know, with great power comes great responsibility, and to that end, I respectfully write you today to delineate and encourage you in what I reconsider imperatives in the years ahead.

Please know that in order to bring continuing change, the path you travel must often be a path that many are unwilling to take. Much like hacking your way straight through a dense jungle, the first trip straight through is difficult and takes substantial work and commitment. However, once the first pass is cleared, the second pass is much less difficult, and the third is easier still. Over time, the once difficult and non-existent path becomes the norm.

While you and I both know that carving a new path is difficult, the good news is that we have a growing body of individuals who realize the old path has taken us as far as we can go. In many cases, nothing fails today like the success of yesterday.

Mr. President, it's obvious that in the last few years, we've reached a crucial juncture in our history. We stand upon the threshold of a major shift toward a new stage of social, cultural and spiritual evolution that has been imaginable by many great traditions and old cultures over the ages of time.

These shifts are every bit as dramatic as it must have been for our ancestors to move from caves into grasslands then from nomadic tribes to placed villages. At the dawn of the industrial revolution, we moved into industrious societies. Now we must move beyond those societies and fully integrate into an interconnected, knowledge- and spirit-based global theory that transcends--yet includes--cultural, ethnic, political and religious boundaries.

We know this is not your responsibility alone. Yet in the years to come, you'll have such a great affect and impact, and we'll need your understanding and support. The decisions we make individually and collectively right now are determining either we set the stage for probable termination of the human adventure on this planet or create a blueprint for reaching a harmonious and cooperative global community.

While there is much talk about the cheaper and the protection of our country, these are not the original issues we face. In fact, these are but the effects of a much greater cause. To bring continuing transformation in any area, you must always deal with the cause versus the effects. I submit to you that the cause is the consciousness of each and every American as well as each and every human being. This significant shift in consciousness is the leap from an ethnocentric or cultural-centric consciousness to a world-centric consciousness.

Sociologist Emile Durkheim stated, "When mores are insufficient, laws are unenforceable. When mores are sufficient, laws are unnecessary." Much more is required today than piecemeal activity or a quick fix. We need to realize our challenges in their totality and deal with them not only with our intellect but with the coherent integration of head and heart, both mind and spirit.

A new way of mental and feeling must be fostered for responsible living and acting. No longer may we spend multiple billions of dollars a year on arms and forces over this planet while we spend a pittance to verbalize a livable and sustainable environment. No longer can we allow our government to get bogged down in what should be personal choices such as sexual preferences, right to life or choice and individual religious issues while there are much greater matters at stake.

I cannot overemphasize that what is needed is true harmonic wealth in this world. Yes, in many of my writings, I verbalize that creating a state of harmony and wellbeing is a very personal issue. Ultimately, worlds don't change. Countries don't change. Governments don't change. Corporations don't change. Nor do states, cities, neighborhoods or families. Only one thing changes: the individual. When the individual changes his or her way of thinking, feeling and acting, the families, neighborhoods, cities, states, countries and whole world must also change.

While harmonic wealth must begin personally, it's much more than just personal. True harmony and wellbeing will occur on our planet when we individually and collectively respect and foster the creativity and individuality of all human beings. We've all heard the word "diversity," and yet many still limit their definition of it. While diversity includes gender and race, it's so much more than that.

I was excited by your Inaugural Address when you stated that, "We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus, and nonbelievers." If my memory serves me, this is the first time a president of the United States has ever acknowledged this fact in such a way. Too long have we as Americans played the world's enforcer of our most dominant reliance system. I believe our intention has positively been good, and I also believe that if someone is misusing their power, it must be addressed. All too often, we've assumed that what works well for us as a nation must be what's best for all. This is not always the case.

From the Hindus, we were gifted the original understandings of how the universe is structured--the precursor to part physics. From the Buddhists, we learned to open our heart with compassion and to quiet our mind. From the Jews and Muslims, we reinforced that there is but one creator God and that there are specific laws and systems of operation if we pick to live in harmony with nature's rhythms. From the Christians, we were taught that our universe and creator is not malevolent but loving and wholly benevolent. Furthermore, we were told that if we too just love and give like The Source loves, we shall live in harmony and excellent peace.

True diversity is inherent in all human beings as well as in nature, science and art. A symphony cannot be created by only one note or one instrument. An atom cannot exist without both a positron and an electron. A work of art must have many shapes and colors just as the most gorgeous garden has a multitude of plants, flowers, rocks and trees.

Likewise, a harmonious world and human society must have a genuine respect for differences not just in race and gender but in age, sexual preferences, beliefs, religion, discrete ways of worship and personality. Just as the human body is killed by cancerous yet homogenous cells that continually reproduce and kill the other cells, so too is the world endangered by the domination of only one, or maybe a relative few, varieties of cultures, religions and civilizations. And yes. This principle even extends to how each country chooses its governance.

Please let me reinforce my position that we must address those who misuse their power. In your Inaugural Address, you brilliantly stated, "To those leaders nearby the globe who seek to sow conflict or blame their society's ills on the West, know that your population will judge you on what you can build, not what you destroy." And this part must increase to all population in the world--including the United States. To uphold or stand for anything, we must first be a shining example of that for which we stand both internally and externally.

Once again Mr. President, we need your help, understanding and support. This is a time to call for responsibility both individually and collectively. I believe you to be an optimist, and for that reason, we are kindred spirits. I believe all this can be done in our lifetime. In fact, it must!

To this objective, I submit it will only be completed straight through the application of three imperatives: Consciousness, transportation and Community. These are fundamental values that will turn the world. If we verbalize obsolete values and beliefs, an attachment to the past and a self-centered approach, we will speedily come to be obsolete. The time has come to act.

The human species needs more than just a job, food, water, a house, a minute money and family. While these things are an prominent part of life, we also have the intrinsic need to have something to live for: an ideal to achieve, a purpose to fulfill, a inheritance to leave.

Mr. President, we need your help in encouraging the Consciousness of responsibility at all seven levels of being instead of just one or two: individual, gender, race/ethnicity, cultural, human, sentient and spiritual.

We must come to be responsible for seeking our own interests while remaining in harmony with, and not at the charge of, other human beings and the environment. While capitalism works, we must move toward known (or enlightened) capitalism. known capitalism is founded upon the ideal that we must consistently make decisions that are concurrently good for the individual, good for our country and good for the world.

We must come to be responsible for not tolerating brutality or misuse of power here and abroad. We must come to be responsible for not bringing more children into the world than we can properly care for and preserve or that our planet can sustain.

We must come to be responsible for ensuring our leaders, to quote the words of scripture, "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks," and realize that we're all one population living on what is a very tiny round speck in the grand scheme of the cosmos. We must come to be responsible adequate to realize that the geographic boundaries we've created are arbitrary, and that if we are to win, we all must win.

While we must question this focus of our leadership, we cannot ask for what we don't ourselves embody. Therefore, we must be responsible to recognize that peace and harmony begins within our own individual lives, businesses and households.

We must come to be responsible for ensuring that our corporations don't continue a shortsighted race of economic ends at the cost of others as well as the destruction of the very planet that allows us to live.

We must come to be responsible for ultimately letting go of the racial and religious pains and injustices of the past. Let us be reminded that power flows where attention goes. As we continually look for references in the rearview mirror, we positively find and perpetuate the very thing we abhor.

We must come to be responsible as members of the human race to hold in the highest awe and respect the human spirit and the drive encoded in our very Dna to rise to personal and spiritual excellence. To understand the intrinsic need to love, join together and to understand and be understood.

We must know above all else that evolving the human spirit and consciousness is the first cause shared by the whole human race and be responsible to that end.

Mr. President, all these things must be grounded in a major shift in individual, national and global consciousness.

Secondly, we must delineate these significant issues clearly, repeatedly and consistently. I am thrilled with the possibilities in this arena for your skills as an orator are self evident. Words and ideas do turn the world.

There will be many distractions coming your way that must be dealt with and competition from issues that must be communicated by you. Yet if you understand the severity of this winter we face, you also know that after every single winter comes spring--always and without exception. The seeds we plant individually and collectively right now are determining our next spring and the harvest we will or will not perceive as a nation and a world.

We stand on the end days of an old, dying system. An outgrown way of thinking, feeling and acting has served its purpose and must be let go and transcended. Every significant breakthrough is always preceded by a breakdown. For something new to live, something first must die. We need your help in communicating that we stand poised on the brink of a new era and new life versus focusing on the fear and insecurity of the death of the old.

As a people, we must question that our media communicates more possibility and chance versus scarcity and fear. We must stop communicating characterizations of separate cultural beliefs and religions as backward or threatening. When we stereotype any single group, we tell a lie as we turn population into categories and things.

Einstein said, "You cannot simultaneously forestall and put in order for war." Once again, power flows where attention goes. We need your preserve in continuing to focus on what we pick to create versus what we pick to avoid and to stand for something versus against something else. Let's collectively move toward harmony, peace and wellbeing for all Americans and the whole world. Let's keep our attention on that, versus continuing to wage a "War on Terror."

A bonfire will only continue to rage when logs are continually thrown upon it. If we place our consciousness and transportation primarily on the fire we choose, old unwanted fires will die out from lack of attention and fuel.

Finally, with a shift in consciousness growing and evolving, the message being continually focused upon, communicated and fed, we will build society and unity in our world. A new global society that, as we've discussed, respects, values and leverages the differences of all creative beings. And we will positively create our symphony.

Isn't it enchanting that the field in which we play this splendid and splendid gift called life is called a universe? Uni-Verse. One song, one people, one planet, one symphony.

Mr. President, I told you I'm an eternal optimist, and I'm not alone. There's a growing body of population who are optimistic as well. Not romanticized optimism, for we know that anyone of true and continuing value takes work, focus, commitment and time. But now is the time to march.

As stated before, every significant breakthrough is practically always preceded by a breakdown. It's normally only in our times of greatest challenge that we step back and take a hard account of our lives, where we've been and where we pick to go.

I believe this is the most enchanting time in our world history to be alive. It's a time in which hereafter generations will look back upon us and say, "They were the ones that figured it out. Thank God for them. The decisions they made in our most significant hours determined our destiny as a population and a world... They were the ones who figured it out."

We're doing that right now, Mr. President. We need your preserve for the awakening of a new era. You have ours. Thank you for time in your busy schedule. Let's leave a continuing inheritance together. Let's turn the world.

Much love and respect.

Your friend and partner in world transformation,

James Arthur Ray

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